Italian Wedding Meatball Soup

I love this recipe. It feels a little lighter than some other meatball soup recipes. Serve with a side salad or gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. (See my post for my grilled cheese sandwich recipe)

The meatballs are salty so you can cut back a little on the salt if that works better for you. I don't use quite as much spinach. I never add pasta to my soups. That way, those going low carb don't have to eat it, and it freezes better without it. Just add the cooked pasta to individual bowls and top with soup. You can make it in the morning and re-heat it whenever you're ready to eat. Lasts for days in the fridge and freezes beautifully!

Low Carb: Skip the pasta in the soup
Gluten Free: GF breadcrumbs & pasta
Vegan: Vegan chicken sub, vegetable broth, vegan parm sub
Pescatarian: use a ground chicken substitute?
Picky Kids: Maybe use less spinach if that's not their thing. Also, start with a small cup of soup to taste and a yummy grilled cheese sandwich. At least they'll get used to trying things...


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