Pink Cupcakes

 Matt's mom brought these for Norah's birthday when she was little and I have been making them ever since. The "pink" is fresh strawberries mixed into the icing. So yummy!

Cake Ingredients:


1-package white cake mix

½ cup butter – softened

3 large eggs


Cake Directions:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Blend the cake mix, 2/3 cup of water, butter and eggs until well blended (about 3 minutes)

If doing regular size cupcakes, about 20 minutes but follow the directions on the box. 

For mini cupcakes – about 10 minutes


For icing:


4 tbs butter softened

4 cups powdered sugar

6 ripe strawberries – hulled and mashed

sliced strawberries to garnish the cake or cupcakes


Icing Directions:

Start with 4-5 strawberries first. If too thick, add more strawberries. If too thin, add more sugar.


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